Statistics & Research about Wilmington,IL - York Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Wilmington,IL an area served by York Insurance Agency

Phone : 815-476-5896

Car dealers nearby York Insurance Agency

Community Gmc, Inc.

Community GMC, Inc., 317 S Water St, Wilmington, IL 60481,(815) 476-5659
Phone: (815) 926-1463

Real estate research for area nearby York Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Elwood 186,300 721 4.6
Kendall 253,900 1111 5.3
Round Grove 127,700 775 7.3
Plano 167,500 972 7.0
Bolingbrook 224,700 999 5.3
Morris 194,000 849 5.3
University Park 133,400 950 8.5
Sheridan 135,100 813 7.2
Wauponsee 226,700 1066 5.6
Norton 117,000 725 7.4

Number of old houses in places near by York Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Elwood 234100
Kendall 163400
Round Grove 143800
Plano 167200
Bolingbrook 178600
Morris 159000
University Park 322400
Sheridan 120700
Wauponsee 254400
Norton 133800
Fox 401000
Plainfield 180900
Romeoville 34700
Mission 163900
Kankakee 101000

Number of vacant houses in places near by York Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Elwood 31
Kendall 253
Round Grove 53
Plano 219
Bolingbrook 1318
Morris 714
University Park 355
Sheridan 14
Wauponsee 58
Norton 53
Fox 60
Plainfield 1228
Romeoville 796
Mission 35
Kankakee 1586

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by York Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Elwood 24
Kendall 222
Plano 116
Bolingbrook 1465
Morris 207
University Park 59
Wauponsee 69
Norton 22
Fox 72
Plainfield 988
Romeoville 393
Mission 93
Kankakee 271

Number of blacks in places near by York Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Elwood 37
Kendall 422
Plano 587
Bolingbrook 15242
Morris 278
University Park 6245
Sheridan 476
Wauponsee 3
Plainfield 5089
Romeoville 4116
Mission 476
Kankakee 10238