Statistics & Research about Hoffman Estates,IL - Wilcover Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Hoffman Estates,IL an area served by Wilcover Insurance Agency

Phone : 847-490-1697

Car dealers nearby Wilcover Insurance Agency

Mercedes-Benz Of Hoffman Estates

Mercedes-Benz of Hoffman Estates , 1000 West Golf RoadHoffman Estates, IL, 60169 , Sales: (866) 439-5248 , Service: (866) 796-1503 , Parts: (866) 849-8944
Hoffman Estates,IL
Phone: (866) 439-5248

Real estate research for area nearby Wilcover Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lake Zurich 335,400 1173 4.2
Lake Bluff 647,600 1688 3.1
Shields 521,000 1169 2.7
Elmwood Park 241,900 873 4.3
Forest Lake 313,800 2001 7.7
Norwood Park 304,000 930 3.7
Darien 314,900 1001 3.8
Sycamore 175,500 887 6.1
Long Grove 715,300 2001 3.4
Harwood Heights 287,300 900 3.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Wilcover Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Lake Zurich 644
Lake Bluff 184
Shields 2439
Elmwood Park 3375
Forest Lake 85
Norwood Park 2601
Darien 2526
Sycamore 2577
Long Grove 117
Harwood Heights 1268
Prospect Heights 2418
Lombard 5794
Downers Grove 14844
Pistakee Highlands 401
McCullom Lake 176

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Wilcover Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Lake Zurich 2850
Lake Bluff 947
Shields 2653
Elmwood Park 1245
Forest Lake 173
Norwood Park 1289
Darien 2157
Sycamore 1120
Long Grove 1342
Harwood Heights 375
Prospect Heights 919
Lombard 3281
Downers Grove 14712
Pistakee Highlands 159
McCullom Lake 71

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Wilcover Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Lake Zurich 289
Lake Bluff 289
Shields 1257
Elmwood Park 438
Forest Lake 32
Norwood Park 240
Darien 367
Sycamore 258
Long Grove 704
Harwood Heights 14
Prospect Heights 170
Lombard 627
Downers Grove 4471
Pistakee Highlands 18
McCullom Lake 7

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Wilcover Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Lake Zurich 440700
Lake Bluff 533100
Shields 530000
Elmwood Park 348100
Forest Lake 351200
Norwood Park 278000
Darien 334500
Sycamore 200400
Long Grove 798000
Harwood Heights 250500
Prospect Heights 438400
Lombard 235700
Downers Grove 481500
Pistakee Highlands 247400
McCullom Lake 118200