Statistics & Research about Des Plaines,IL - Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Des Plaines,IL an area served by Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

1400 E Touhy Ave #215
Des Plaines,IL

Car dealers nearby Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

Napletons Des Plaines Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Napletons Des Plaines Chrysler Jeep Dodge, 77 Rand Rd , Des Plaines, IL , 60016 , Sales: (888) 449-6139Parts & Service: (888) 433-4044
Des Plaines,IL
Phone: (888) 449-6139

Napletons Des Plaines Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Napletons Des Plaines Chrysler Jeep Dodge, 77 Rand Rd , Des Plaines, IL , 60016 , Sales: (888) 449-6139Parts & Service: (888) 433-4044
Des Plaines,IL
Phone: (888) 449-6139

Real estate research for area nearby Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hanover Park 196,000 997 6.1
Waukegan 141,800 813 6.9
Des Plaines 258,100 992 4.6
Clarendon Hills 569,700 904 1.9
Campton Hills 445,700 943 2.5
Bridgeview 192,000 864 5.4
Highland Park 521,700 1408 3.2
St. Charles 324,000 1117 4.1
Rolling Meadows 254,500 1073 5.1
Lemont 376,600 848 2.7

Number of vacant houses in places near by Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Hanover Park 755
Waukegan 3991
Des Plaines 1385
Clarendon Hills 196
Campton Hills 125
Bridgeview 276
Highland Park 845
St. Charles 630
Rolling Meadows 566
Lemont 422
Cuba 312
McCook 15
Newport 155
Trout Valley 7
Bloomingdale 2568

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Hanover Park 201000
Waukegan 150300
Des Plaines 280600
Clarendon Hills 589600
Campton Hills 281800
Bridgeview 191600
Highland Park 546600
St. Charles 256800
Rolling Meadows 270300
Lemont 296700
Cuba 466000
McCook 233300
Newport 208300
Trout Valley 387100
Bloomingdale 234800

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Hanover Park 6006
Waukegan 11310
Des Plaines 9617
Clarendon Hills 978
Campton Hills 824
Bridgeview 2326
Highland Park 4248
St. Charles 5558
Rolling Meadows 3015
Lemont 2804
Cuba 1874
McCook 51
Newport 959
Trout Valley 91
Bloomingdale 15912

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Tog Insurance Brokerage Group Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hanover Park 2475
Waukegan 3947
Des Plaines 2874
Clarendon Hills 867
Campton Hills 1909
Bridgeview 744
Highland Park 3510
St. Charles 6530
Rolling Meadows 1516
Lemont 2467
Cuba 2411
McCook 12
Newport 810
Trout Valley 82
Bloomingdale 8138