Statistics & Research about Beecher,IL - Thomas Ward Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Beecher,IL an area served by Thomas Ward Insurance Group

Phone : 708-946-2276

Real estate research for area nearby Thomas Ward Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Tinley Park 240,800 974 4.9
Crete 181,100 859 5.7
Wilmington 170,100 708 5.0
Merrillville 132,600 933 8.4
Otto 135,700 913 8.1
Evergreen Park 214,500 940 5.3
Porter 194,800 1066 6.6
Hometown 142,200 401 3.4
Robbins 74,800 763 12.2
Hopkins Park 66,700 638 11.5

Number of whites in places near by Thomas Ward Insurance Group

Place name Number of whites
Tinley Park 49775
Crete 16335
Wilmington 5979
Merrillville 15870
Otto 2358
Evergreen Park 14463
Porter 9023
Hometown 4199
Robbins 241
Hopkins Park 50
Palos Heights 11579
Calumet City 8605
Sammons Point 277
Richton Park 1880
Hazel Crest 1913

Number of old houses in places near by Thomas Ward Insurance Group

Place name Number of old houses
Tinley Park 185100
Crete 163000
Wilmington 142600
Merrillville 95500
Otto 125500
Evergreen Park 223700
Porter 173400
Hometown 180000
Robbins 46900
Palos Heights 292700
Calumet City 110700
Sammons Point 143800
Richton Park 86100
Hazel Crest 90100

Number of blacks in places near by Thomas Ward Insurance Group

Place name Number of blacks
Tinley Park 1806
Crete 5856
Wilmington 107
Merrillville 15834
Otto 176
Evergreen Park 4191
Porter 72
Robbins 4891
Hopkins Park 506
Palos Heights 324
Calumet City 25488
Sammons Point 13
Richton Park 10886
Hazel Crest 11821

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Thomas Ward Insurance Group

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Tinley Park 283500
Crete 211100
Wilmington 276200
Merrillville 170400
Otto 168800
Evergreen Park 267600
Porter 245800
Robbins 122300
Hopkins Park 31400
Palos Heights 304700
Calumet City 143100
Sammons Point 181300
Richton Park 213100
Hazel Crest 232800