Statistics & Research about Spring Grove,IL - Strobl Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Spring Grove,IL an area served by Strobl Agency Inc

2207 N US HWY 12 STE F
Phone : 815-675-2138

Car dealers nearby Strobl Agency Inc

Rent - 2 - Own Auto

Rent - 2 - Own Auto 371 Derby Ave.West Haven,CT,06516 PH203-691-5244
Spring Grove,IL
Phone: 847-587-0511

Real estate research for area nearby Strobl Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lake Bluff 647,600 1688 3.1
LeRoy 302900 NA NA
Rochester 240,400 884 4.4
Ela 429,900 1271 3.5
Paris 275,000 955 4.2
Prairie Grove 409,400 1156 3.4
Knollwood 361,800 897 3.0
Lake Villa 218,500 1128 6.2
Hainesville 174,200 1297 8.9
Lake Forest 866,200 1336 1.9

Number of whites in places near by Strobl Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Lake Bluff 5581
LeRoy 546
Rochester 3608
Ela 38168
Paris 1708
Prairie Grove 1654
Knollwood 1146
Lake Villa 35325
Hainesville 2964
Lake Forest 17347
Waterford 6214
Bohners Lake 2634
Wind Lake 5242
Marengo 6958
Richmond 6493

Number of vacant houses in places near by Strobl Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Lake Bluff 80
Rochester 64
Ela 590
Paris 39
Prairie Grove 40
Knollwood 182
Lake Villa 667
Hainesville 145
Lake Forest 792
Waterford 95
Bohners Lake 281
Wind Lake 140
Marengo 14
Richmond 109

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Strobl Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lake Bluff 1000001
LeRoy 459400
Rochester 294100
Ela 586100
Paris 410700
Prairie Grove 468500
Knollwood 493800
Lake Villa 273200
Hainesville 156100
Lake Forest 1000001
Waterford 335200
Bohners Lake 195600
Wind Lake 385000
Marengo 206000
Richmond 294400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Strobl Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Lake Bluff 721
LeRoy 81
Rochester 763
Ela 4679
Paris 377
Prairie Grove 184
Knollwood 307
Lake Villa 6463
Hainesville 408
Lake Forest 1705
Waterford 1219
Bohners Lake 804
Wind Lake 1319
Marengo 1159
Richmond 1131