Statistics & Research about Plainfield,IL - Stonewall Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Plainfield,IL an area served by Stonewall Insurance Group Inc

7140 Caton Farm Rd Ste A
Phone : 815-680-5544

Real estate research for area nearby Stonewall Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Carbon Hill 161,300 719 5.3
Olympia Fields 263,000 2001 9.1
Adams 186,700 881 5.7
Bremen 174,800 978 6.7
Milton 349,700 1008 3.5
New Lenox 279,600 967 4.2
Na-Au-Say 247,400 1405 6.8
Homer 308,600 1696 6.6
Northlake 188,100 866 5.5
Batavia 283,900 1003 4.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Stonewall Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Carbon Hill 46
Olympia Fields 348
Adams 102
Bremen 9500
Milton 10182
New Lenox 2417
Na-Au-Say 199
Homer 1728
Northlake 842
Batavia 2563
East Hazel Crest 276
Lakewood Shores 109
Custer 122
Elburn 246
Jackson 418

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Stonewall Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Carbon Hill 165600
Olympia Fields 315600
Adams 170800
Bremen 205300
Milton 389000
New Lenox 270900
Na-Au-Say 154200
Homer 319300
Northlake 121300
Batavia 283400
East Hazel Crest 124200
Lakewood Shores 170800
Custer 217600
Elburn 230700
Jackson 222400

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Stonewall Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Carbon Hill 2
Olympia Fields 296
Adams 29
Bremen 1132
Milton 2773
New Lenox 786
Na-Au-Say 181
Homer 1073
Northlake 332
Batavia 937
East Hazel Crest 23
Elburn 210
Jackson 42

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Stonewall Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Carbon Hill 165000
Olympia Fields 242800
Adams 165000
Bremen 180900
Milton 328000
New Lenox 220500
Homer 256500
Northlake 142000
Batavia 234800
East Hazel Crest 130200
Lakewood Shores 112500
Custer 174800
Elburn 404500
Jackson 153100