Statistics & Research about Fox Lake,IL - Spring Grove Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Fox Lake,IL an area served by Spring Grove Insurance

Phone : 847-587-7712

Car dealers nearby Spring Grove Insurance

4 Wheels Of Fox Lake

4 Wheels of Fox Lake, 45 S. Route 12, Fox Lake, IL 60020, Ph: 847-973-3300
Fox Lake,IL
Phone: 847-973-3300

Real estate research for area nearby Spring Grove Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Twin Lakes 187,400 861 5.5
Pingree Grove 199,500 1738 10.5
Tichigan 263,900 984 4.5
Grafton 256,800 1536 7.2
Fox Lake 181,700 868 5.7
McHenry 203,300 1076 6.4
Moraine 505,600 1316 3.1
Park City 25,900 807 37.4
Round Lake 203,100 1061 6.3
Avon 178,600 978 6.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Spring Grove Insurance

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Twin Lakes 824
Pingree Grove 124
Tichigan 435
Grafton 3267
Fox Lake 1693
McHenry 4940
Moraine 2701
Park City 1275
Round Lake 1725
Avon 5893
LeRoy 20
Bull Valley 23
Lake Barrington 672
East Dundee 434
Northbrook 2550

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Spring Grove Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Twin Lakes 1428
Pingree Grove 595
Tichigan 976
Grafton 6497
Fox Lake 1911
McHenry 8640
Moraine 4952
Park City 715
Round Lake 1908
Avon 8876
LeRoy 81
Bull Valley 183
Lake Barrington 656
East Dundee 552
Northbrook 3753

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Spring Grove Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Twin Lakes 456
Pingree Grove 549
Tichigan 538
Grafton 6229
Fox Lake 520
McHenry 3740
Moraine 3481
Park City 118
Round Lake 1607
Avon 4794
LeRoy 59
Bull Valley 167
Lake Barrington 653
East Dundee 259
Northbrook 4340

Number of new houses in places near by Spring Grove Insurance

Place name Number of new houses
Grafton 306100
Moraine 1000001
Park City 26500
Northbrook 1000001