Statistics & Research about Vernon Hills,IL - Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Vernon Hills,IL an area served by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

977 Lakeview Pkwy Ste 105
Vernon Hills,IL

Real estate research for area nearby Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
West Chicago 243,100 895 4.4
Greenwood 192,000 951 5.9
Bellwood 164,000 964 7.1
Trout Valley 417600 NA NA
South Elgin 218,600 1138 6.2
Mettawa 825,600 981 1.4
North Chicago 135,700 1040 9.2
Paddock Lake 169,600 1059 7.5
Cook County 244,900 950 4.7
Round Lake Park 154,200 1143 8.9

Number of old houses in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
West Chicago 202300
Greenwood 511900
Bellwood 144400
South Elgin 208500
Mettawa 1000001
North Chicago 134900
Paddock Lake 156100
Cook County 262300
Round Lake Park 124200
Pistakee Highlands 129800
Round Lake 168500
Lake Barrington 675000
Hebron 163500
Hanover 206300

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
West Chicago 258700
Greenwood 189000
Trout Valley 350000
South Elgin 172500
Mettawa 866100
North Chicago 198500
Paddock Lake 165500
Cook County 253500
Round Lake Park 15000
Pistakee Highlands 123400
Round Lake 131900
Lake Barrington 376600
Hebron 254500
Hanover 206600

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
West Chicago 346
Greenwood 218
Bellwood 279
Trout Valley 39
South Elgin 187
Mettawa 32
North Chicago 181
Paddock Lake 26
Cook County 86718
Round Lake Park 42
Pistakee Highlands 18
Round Lake 372
Lake Barrington 144
Hebron 27
Hanover 1294

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Service First Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
West Chicago 173100
Greenwood 151400
Bellwood 167400
Trout Valley 387100
South Elgin 185900
Mettawa 1000000
North Chicago 127900
Paddock Lake 165800
Cook County 225700
Round Lake Park 131300
Pistakee Highlands 155300
Round Lake 169400
Lake Barrington 428800
Hebron 1000001
Hanover 180500