Statistics & Research about Ottawa,IL - Security Insurance Group Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Ottawa,IL an area served by Security Insurance Group Llc

Phone : 815-433-4200

Car dealers nearby Security Insurance Group Llc

Bill Walsh Ford-Lincoln-Mercury-Kia

Phone: 1-866-386-5881

Real estate research for area nearby Security Insurance Group Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mendota 121,600 639 6.3
Bennington 91,100 534 7.0
La Moille 94,500 811 10.3
Northville 190,900 1040 6.5
Erienna 263,400 891 4.1
Tonica 109,900 650 7.1
Dimmick 239,700 600 3.0
Nevada 211800 NA NA
Selby 75,400 755 12.0
Grundy County 186,500 889 5.7

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Security Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Mendota 199700
Bennington 268500
La Moille 47300
Northville 231300
Erienna 352500
Tonica 223100
Dimmick 335500
Selby 65000
Grundy County 229100
Morris 283900
Sandwich 225200
Channahon 236300
Farm Ridge 166100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Security Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Mendota 46
Bennington 34
La Moille 11
Northville 129
Erienna 50
Tonica 17
Dimmick 18
Nevada 5
Selby 53
Grundy County 666
Morris 207
Standard 5
Sandwich 142
Channahon 145
Farm Ridge 4

Number of blacks in places near by Security Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Mendota 45
Bennington 27
La Moille 2
Erienna 23
Nevada 821
Selby 22
Grundy County 539
Morris 278
Sandwich 38
Channahon 50

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Security Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Mendota 389
Bennington 100
La Moille 96
Northville 665
Erienna 273
Tonica 46
Dimmick 91
Nevada 30
Selby 129
Grundy County 3593
Morris 804
Standard 10
Sandwich 558
Channahon 1170
Farm Ridge 53