Statistics & Research about Volo,IL - Rally Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Volo,IL an area served by Rally Insurance Group Inc

31632 N Ellis Drive Unit 112

Real estate research for area nearby Rally Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Dunham 161,000 972 7.2
Chemung 147,800 969 7.9
Beach Park 177,400 923 6.2
Twin Lakes 187,400 861 5.5
Knollwood 361,800 897 3.0
Forest Lake 313,800 2001 7.7
Genoa 171,100 760 5.3
Mount Prospect 316,300 961 3.6
Port Barrington 301,700 2001 8.0
Woodstock 190,300 902 5.7

Number of old houses in places near by Rally Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Dunham 186000
Chemung 136000
Beach Park 166300
Twin Lakes 161400
Forest Lake 346000
Genoa 156000
Mount Prospect 339300
Woodstock 171200
Lindenhurst 193800
Glenview 431800
Antioch 171600
Silver Lake 210000
Lake Geneva 212200

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Rally Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Dunham 148800
Chemung 163800
Beach Park 217700
Twin Lakes 244200
Knollwood 493800
Forest Lake 436400
Genoa 208700
Mount Prospect 351200
Port Barrington 328500
Woodstock 237300
Lindenhurst 337000
Glenview 723100
Antioch 247200
Silver Lake 228100
Lake Geneva 246100

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Rally Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Dunham 377
Chemung 1351
Beach Park 2188
Twin Lakes 1428
Knollwood 307
Forest Lake 338
Genoa 1141
Mount Prospect 8513
Port Barrington 332
Woodstock 3363
Lindenhurst 2217
Glenview 6270
Antioch 4839
Silver Lake 415
Lake Geneva 1456

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Rally Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Dunham 40
Chemung 170
Beach Park 136
Twin Lakes 200
Knollwood 80
Forest Lake 32
Genoa 79
Mount Prospect 357
Port Barrington 26
Woodstock 304
Lindenhurst 273
Glenview 1441
Antioch 529
Silver Lake 22
Lake Geneva 138