Statistics & Research about Peru,IL - Peru Insurance Center

Here are some statistics & research about Peru,IL an area served by Peru Insurance Center

Phone : 815-223-4660

Car dealers nearby Peru Insurance Center

Jp Motors, Inc.

Phone: 877-246-0826

Real estate research for area nearby Peru Insurance Center

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brooklyn 112,300 842 9.0
Whitefield 205000 NA NA
Hennepin 159,200 648 4.9
Farm Ridge 133,300 521 4.7
Long Point 122,000 589 5.8
Westfield 94,800 775 9.8
Sparland 78,900 1000 15.2
Vermillion 227,500 631 3.3
De Pue 67,500 726 12.9
Dayton 220,600 696 3.8

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Peru Insurance Center

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Hennepin 24
Farm Ridge 16
Long Point 3
Westfield 13
Sparland 1
De Pue 9
Dayton 61
Bureau Junction 9
Indiantown 10
Spring Valley 237
Allen 6

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Peru Insurance Center

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Brooklyn 126
Whitefield 13
Hennepin 84
Farm Ridge 53
Long Point 38
Westfield 58
Sparland 22
Vermillion 47
De Pue 97
Dayton 156
Bureau Junction 11
Indiantown 51
Spring Valley 236
Ophir 40
Allen 55

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Peru Insurance Center

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Brooklyn 170
Whitefield 61
Hennepin 252
Farm Ridge 203
Long Point 122
Westfield 163
Sparland 98
Vermillion 56
De Pue 296
Dayton 430
Bureau Junction 65
Indiantown 124
Spring Valley 974
Ophir 99
Allen 98

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Peru Insurance Center

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Brooklyn 162500
Hennepin 198900
Farm Ridge 216700
Long Point 116700
Westfield 125000
Vermillion 220800
De Pue 131800
Dayton 245600
Bureau Junction 58300
Indiantown 181300
Spring Valley 117500
Allen 153100