Statistics & Research about Highland Park,IL - Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Highland Park,IL an area served by Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

1907 2nd St
Highland Park,IL
Phone : 847-432-9145

Car dealers nearby Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

Fields Fiat Of Highland Park

Highland Park,IL
Phone: 877-465-9581
url: http://fiatusaofhighlandpark.comindex.htm

Real estate research for area nearby Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Kildeer 664,400 1086 2.0
Lincolnshire 533,100 2001 4.5
West Deerfield 631,300 1683 3.2
Villa Park 254,100 943 4.5
Oakbrook Terrace 306,900 1187 4.6
Bloomingdale 245,500 1101 5.4
Port Barrington 301,700 2001 8.0
Norwood Park 304,000 930 3.7
Morton Grove 327,300 1381 5.1
Rolling Meadows 254,500 1073 5.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Kildeer 16
Lincolnshire 987
West Deerfield 1035
Villa Park 1846
Oakbrook Terrace 395
Bloomingdale 12780
Port Barrington 53
Norwood Park 2601
Morton Grove 2021
Rolling Meadows 3680
Kenilworth 25
Des Plaines 7288
Barrington 681
Oak Brook 493
Burton 197

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Kildeer 626700
Lincolnshire 547500
West Deerfield 621400
Villa Park 260200
Oakbrook Terrace 276400
Bloomingdale 234800
Port Barrington 206300
Norwood Park 326400
Morton Grove 343400
Rolling Meadows 270300
Kenilworth 1000001
Des Plaines 280600
Barrington 450000
Oak Brook 712300
Burton 206300

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Kildeer 235
Lincolnshire 232
West Deerfield 2162
Villa Park 416
Oakbrook Terrace 27
Bloomingdale 1374
Port Barrington 26
Norwood Park 240
Morton Grove 251
Rolling Meadows 199
Kenilworth 430
Des Plaines 563
Barrington 1342
Oak Brook 725
Burton 103

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Ormsby Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Kildeer 867400
Lincolnshire 427100
West Deerfield 987600
Villa Park 451900
Bloomingdale 301800
Port Barrington 328500
Norwood Park 347800
Morton Grove 326600
Rolling Meadows 294900
Kenilworth 1000001
Des Plaines 258300
Barrington 841900
Oak Brook 1000001
Burton 371700