Statistics & Research about Crest Hill,IL - Options Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Crest Hill,IL an area served by Options Insurance Group

Phone : 815-741-1003

Car dealers nearby Options Insurance Group

Krier Motor Sports

Crest Hill,IL
Phone: (815) 669-6658

Real estate research for area nearby Options Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Kendall County 229,400 1156 6.0
Blue Island 148,600 836 6.8
Calumet Park 138,300 870 7.5
Rockdale 152,500 875 6.9
Lisbon 229,700 848 4.4
Midlothian 169,800 907 6.4
Wayne 282,900 974 4.1
Custer 220,700 974 5.3
Lockport 188,100 1061 6.8
Country Club Hills 154,700 1459 11.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Options Insurance Group

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Kendall County 7306
Blue Island 3145
Calumet Park 964
Rockdale 420
Lisbon 29
Midlothian 1379
Wayne 2913
Custer 122
Lockport 8168
Country Club Hills 799
Braidwood 524
Lake Holiday 267
Glenwood 899
La Grange Park 1945
Orland 10602

Number of new houses in places near by Options Insurance Group

Place name Number of new houses
Kendall County 123700

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Options Insurance Group

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Kendall County 15962
Blue Island 2722
Calumet Park 1310
Rockdale 306
Lisbon 226
Midlothian 2849
Wayne 9515
Custer 304
Lockport 9480
Country Club Hills 3063
Braidwood 1496
Lake Holiday 1081
Glenwood 1683
La Grange Park 1999
Orland 15482

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Options Insurance Group

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Kendall County 245000
Blue Island 129300
Calumet Park 154800
Rockdale 134400
Lisbon 291700
Midlothian 217900
Wayne 321000
Custer 292500
Lockport 191400
Country Club Hills 222300
Braidwood 165200
Lake Holiday 215700
Glenwood 187000
La Grange Park 490900
Orland 306200