Statistics & Research about Palos Hills,IL - Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Palos Hills,IL an area served by Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Phone : 708-599-7300

Car dealers nearby Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Bikemax, Llc

Palos Hills,IL
Phone: 708-357-9000

Real estate research for area nearby Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Mount Prospect 316,300 961 3.6
Burnham 134,200 913 8.2
Hickory Hills 244,000 857 4.2
Calumet 79,000 719 10.9
Rosemont 311,500 859 3.3
Evanston 367,800 1151 3.8
Geneva 324,700 1222 4.5
Elmhurst 377,200 1153 3.7
Peotone 204,600 971 5.7
Winnetka 951,900 1161 1.5

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Mount Prospect 357
Burnham 10
Hickory Hills 194
Calumet 1555
Rosemont 8
Evanston 1700
Geneva 675
Elmhurst 1426
Peotone 77
Winnetka 1355
Hanover 1294
Homewood 423
Downers Grove 4471
Lansing 255
St. John 1206

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Mount Prospect 3469
Burnham 210
Hickory Hills 550
Calumet 4530
Rosemont 607
Evanston 7004
Geneva 428
Elmhurst 1473
Peotone 80
Winnetka 190
Hanover 1137
Homewood 470
Downers Grove 5824
Lansing 1242
St. John 1135

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Mount Prospect 8513
Burnham 685
Hickory Hills 2436
Calumet 20718
Rosemont 321
Evanston 7844
Geneva 3250
Elmhurst 6542
Peotone 1039
Winnetka 739
Hanover 15495
Homewood 2381
Downers Grove 19741
Lansing 4966
St. John 10643

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Oak Hill Financial Services Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Mount Prospect 286100
Burnham 162200
Hickory Hills 201100
Calumet 165500
Evanston 406100
Geneva 344400
Elmhurst 509300
Peotone 237100
Winnetka 1000001
Hanover 231100
Homewood 244500
Downers Grove 481500
Lansing 209000
St. John 246500