Statistics & Research about Streamwood,IL - Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Streamwood,IL an area served by Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Phone : 630-540-5000

Car dealers nearby Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Conway Imports

Phone: (630) 830-3600

Real estate research for area nearby Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Glencoe 927,400 1766 2.3
Hodgkins 47,200 830 21.1
Mundelein 241,600 1059 5.3
Vernon 385,200 1347 4.2
Du Page 215,400 1073 6.0
Riverwoods 758,500 2001 3.2
Indian Head Park 277,700 887 3.8
Hanover Park 196,000 997 6.1
Lakewood 433,100 2001 5.5
McHenry 203,300 1076 6.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Glencoe 219
Hodgkins 574
Mundelein 2396
Vernon 6565
Du Page 3474
Riverwoods 59
Indian Head Park 691
Hanover Park 2622
Lakewood 118
McHenry 4940
Willow Springs 589
Highland Park 2211
Hanover 9408
Long Lake 299
Des Plaines 7288

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Glencoe 606
Hodgkins 134
Mundelein 4739
Vernon 7170
Du Page 12838
Riverwoods 297
Indian Head Park 726
Hanover Park 6006
Lakewood 403
McHenry 8640
Willow Springs 1153
Highland Park 4248
Hanover 15495
Long Lake 525
Des Plaines 9617

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Glencoe 967
Hodgkins 18
Mundelein 472
Vernon 1928
Du Page 1711
Riverwoods 338
Indian Head Park 44
Hanover Park 217
Lakewood 217
McHenry 486
Willow Springs 106
Highland Park 1694
Hanover 1294
Long Lake 117
Des Plaines 563

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Northwestern Ins Agcy & Assoc Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Glencoe 1000001
Hodgkins 55900
Mundelein 298700
Vernon 478000
Du Page 245200
Riverwoods 726600
Indian Head Park 374300
Hanover Park 235300
Lakewood 415400
McHenry 260500
Willow Springs 371700
Highland Park 751700
Hanover 231100
Long Lake 194600
Des Plaines 237800