Statistics & Research about Morris,IL - Northern Insurance Group

Here are some statistics & research about Morris,IL an area served by Northern Insurance Group

Phone : 815-942-0017

Car dealers nearby Northern Insurance Group

Greenway Motors

GREENWAY MOTORS, 300 Bedford Road, Morris, IL 60450, (815) 942-3400
Phone: (815) 942-3400

Real estate research for area nearby Northern Insurance Group

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Aurora 194,300 1016 6.3
LaSalle County 126,900 675 6.4
Miller 338,000 636 2.3
Troy 210,300 1052 6.0
Godley 109,900 1051 11.5
Sandwich 182,200 780 5.1
Wilton 347,100 745 2.6
Allen 97,500 833 10.3
Little Rock 183,400 996 6.5
Emington 78,900 525 8.0

Number of whites in places near by Northern Insurance Group

Place name Number of whites
Aurora 109075
LaSalle County 106771
Miller 694
Troy 36637
Godley 707
Sandwich 7203
Wilton 670
Allen 505
Little Rock 10221
Emington 120
Aux Sable 12138
Bristol 22301
South Ottawa 7835
Seward 3770
New Lenox 37891

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Northern Insurance Group

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Aurora 6568
LaSalle County 4160
Troy 614
Sandwich 331
Wilton 5
Allen 6
Little Rock 189
Emington 1
Aux Sable 112
Bristol 198
South Ottawa 346
Seward 28
New Lenox 255

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Northern Insurance Group

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Aurora 235500
LaSalle County 228000
Troy 223600
Godley 151400
Sandwich 225200
Wilton 442000
Little Rock 184100
Aux Sable 216000
Bristol 225000
South Ottawa 232400
Seward 204600
New Lenox 327700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Northern Insurance Group

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Aurora 2149
LaSalle County 1771
Miller 60
Troy 684
Godley 11
Sandwich 142
Allen 2
Little Rock 155
Aux Sable 153
Bristol 574
South Ottawa 151
Seward 68
New Lenox 786