Statistics & Research about Warrenville,IL - Ned Gulbransen Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Warrenville,IL an area served by Ned Gulbransen Agency Inc

Phone : 630-393-6700

Real estate research for area nearby Ned Gulbransen Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Yorkville 243,100 1075 5.3
Montgomery 193,900 1196 7.4
Prospect Heights 284,600 1022 4.3
Campton Hills 445,700 943 2.5
La Grange Park 340,000 1018 3.6
Plato 338,500 1258 4.5
Fox 345,200 1188 4.1
Plainfield 217,800 1418 7.8
Waterman 177,900 806 5.4
River Grove 205,300 837 4.9

Number of old houses in places near by Ned Gulbransen Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Yorkville 149300
Montgomery 166200
Prospect Heights 94600
Campton Hills 441700
La Grange Park 478300
Plato 46900
Fox 401000
Plainfield 180900
Waterman 150000
River Grove 194900
Midlothian 167600
Na-Au-Say 362500
Tower Lakes 430000
Grafton 220400
Des Plaines 258800

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Ned Gulbransen Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Yorkville 206500
Montgomery 151400
Prospect Heights 296300
Campton Hills 281800
La Grange Park 290200
Plato 457100
Fox 166200
Plainfield 179100
Waterman 193800
River Grove 170000
Midlothian 167800
Tower Lakes 492900
Grafton 165200
Des Plaines 280600

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Ned Gulbransen Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Yorkville 1866
Montgomery 2087
Prospect Heights 919
Campton Hills 1909
La Grange Park 829
Plato 754
Fox 209
Plainfield 8373
Waterman 125
River Grove 349
Midlothian 722
Na-Au-Say 1019
Tower Lakes 241
Grafton 6229
Des Plaines 2874

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Ned Gulbransen Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Yorkville 250700
Montgomery 228500
Prospect Heights 438400
Campton Hills 491100
La Grange Park 490900
Plato 331900
Fox 307700
Plainfield 213100
Waterman 192600
River Grove 295000
Midlothian 217900
Na-Au-Say 206000
Tower Lakes 687500
Grafton 263300
Des Plaines 237800