Statistics & Research about Northfield,IL - Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Northfield,IL an area served by Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

1845 Oak St Ste 5

Car dealers nearby Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

Fields Bmw Northfield

Fields BMW Northfield , 700 W Frontage RoadNorthfield, IL, 60093 , Service: (800) 639-9860 , Sales: (800) 639-9307 , New: (800) 639-9307 , Used: (800) 639-9680
Phone: (800) 639-9307

Fields Volvo Northfield

Fields Volvo Northfield, 770 Frontage RoadNorthfield, IL 60093 , Sales: (866) 968-0880, Service: (866) 971-0436, Parts: (866) 973-3590
Phone: (866) 968-0880

Real estate research for area nearby Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Forest View 203,800 1333 7.8
River Forest 583,300 997 2.1
Norwood Park 304,000 930 3.7
Mundelein 241,600 1059 5.3
Harwood Heights 287,300 900 3.8
Schaumburg 248,800 1160 5.6
Dundee 213,900 1067 6.0
Milton 349,700 1008 3.5
Round Lake 203,100 1061 6.3
Fox Lake Hills 197,900 1350 8.2

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Forest View 7
River Forest 444
Norwood Park 240
Mundelein 472
Harwood Heights 14
Schaumburg 1184
Dundee 1295
Milton 2773
Round Lake 372
Fox Lake Hills 10
Beach Park 136
Lake Villa 710
Deerfield 1026
Hometown 105
Long Grove 704

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Forest View 187500
River Forest 244600
Norwood Park 326400
Mundelein 193000
Harwood Heights 348000
Schaumburg 249100
Dundee 175700
Milton 328000
Round Lake 169400
Fox Lake Hills 124500
Beach Park 206000
Lake Villa 183000
Deerfield 577400
Hometown 176000
Long Grove 629400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Forest View 103
River Forest 1376
Norwood Park 5213
Mundelein 4739
Harwood Heights 1228
Schaumburg 18153
Dundee 8441
Milton 13300
Round Lake 1908
Fox Lake Hills 717
Beach Park 2188
Lake Villa 6463
Deerfield 1924
Hometown 488
Long Grove 289

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Leonard H Franks Cpcu & Associates Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
River Forest 1000001
Norwood Park 278000
Mundelein 298700
Harwood Heights 250500
Schaumburg 273100
Dundee 270600
Milton 433100
Round Lake 184600
Fox Lake Hills 204200
Beach Park 170000
Lake Villa 226800
Deerfield 406900
Long Grove 798000