Statistics & Research about Morton Grove,IL - Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Morton Grove,IL an area served by Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

5704 W Dempster Street
Morton Grove,IL
Phone : 847-966-8486

Car dealers nearby Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

Mcgrath Acura In Morton Grove

Morton Grove,IL
Phone: 877-292-8426

Real estate research for area nearby Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Long Grove 715,300 2001 3.4
Evanston 367,800 1151 3.8
DuPage County 298,500 1079 4.3
Lake Bluff 647,600 1688 3.1
Winnetka 951,900 1161 1.5
Brookfield 251,900 952 4.5
Hanover 217,000 1102 6.1
Barrington Hills 888,000 1463 2.0
Oak Brook 813,800 1863 2.7
Roselle 268,500 1036 4.6

Number of whites in places near by Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of whites
Long Grove 6466
Evanston 50541
DuPage County 738739
Lake Bluff 5581
Winnetka 11374
Brookfield 17324
Hanover 57891
Barrington Hills 3692
Oak Brook 5382
Roselle 18800
Rolling Meadows 16989
Oakwood Hills 2148
Broadview 1624
Sleepy Hollow 3130
Lincolnwood 8070

Number of old houses in places near by Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Long Grove 756600
Evanston 472400
DuPage County 348800
Lake Bluff 782300
Winnetka 934100
Brookfield 267300
Hanover 206300
Barrington Hills 1000001
Oak Brook 1000001
Roselle 329300
Rolling Meadows 253800
Oakwood Hills 234100
Broadview 150800
Lincolnwood 344200

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Long Grove 704
Evanston 1700
DuPage County 18977
Lake Bluff 289
Winnetka 1355
Brookfield 221
Hanover 1294
Barrington Hills 539
Oak Brook 725
Roselle 326
Rolling Meadows 199
Oakwood Hills 35
Broadview 73
Sleepy Hollow 108
Lincolnwood 611

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Lancaster Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Long Grove 117
Evanston 10000
DuPage County 88537
Lake Bluff 184
Winnetka 320
Brookfield 2358
Hanover 9408
Barrington Hills 46
Oak Brook 493
Roselle 2180
Rolling Meadows 3680
Oakwood Hills 118
Broadview 912
Sleepy Hollow 103
Lincolnwood 702