Statistics & Research about South Barrington,IL - Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about South Barrington,IL an area served by Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 847-874-7016

Real estate research for area nearby Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pingree Grove 199,500 1738 10.5
Coral 369,400 1306 4.2
Holiday Hills 166,700 1333 9.6
Maine 293,200 999 4.1
Tower Lakes 517600 NA NA
Avon 178,600 978 6.6
Woodstock 190,300 902 5.7
Twin Lakes 187,400 861 5.5
New Trier 751,000 1575 2.5
Vernon 385,200 1347 4.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Pingree Grove 124
Coral 60
Holiday Hills 46
Maine 16356
Tower Lakes 19
Avon 5893
Woodstock 3449
Twin Lakes 824
New Trier 2261
Vernon 6565
Island Lake 712
Kaneville 118
Shields 2439
Brookfield 2358
Grant 3309

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Coral 396400
Holiday Hills 170800
Maine 232800
Tower Lakes 641700
Avon 184000
Woodstock 159400
Twin Lakes 204300
New Trier 609000
Vernon 370400
Island Lake 151900
Kaneville 213900
Shields 582800
Brookfield 287500
Grant 222400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Pingree Grove 595
Coral 588
Holiday Hills 193
Maine 20482
Tower Lakes 173
Avon 8876
Woodstock 3363
Twin Lakes 1428
New Trier 5838
Vernon 7170
Island Lake 1713
Kaneville 235
Shields 3495
Brookfield 3342
Grant 4088

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Key Financial Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Pingree Grove 549
Coral 456
Holiday Hills 40
Maine 7794
Tower Lakes 241
Avon 4794
Woodstock 1730
Twin Lakes 456
New Trier 6598
Vernon 8574
Island Lake 336
Kaneville 117
Shields 2653
Brookfield 832
Grant 1849