Statistics & Research about St. Charles,IL - John J Manley Inc

Here are some statistics & research about St. Charles,IL an area served by John J Manley Inc

Po Box 743 St Charles
St. Charles,IL

Car dealers nearby John J Manley Inc

Nissan Of St Charles

St. Charles,IL

Real estate research for area nearby John J Manley Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Arlington Heights 343,500 1134 4.0
McCullom Lake 151,900 959 7.6
Kildeer 664,400 1086 2.0
Wheatland 357,300 1771 5.9
Romeoville 187,300 1288 8.3
Prospect Heights 284,600 1022 4.3
Villa Park 254,100 943 4.5
Coral 369,400 1306 4.2
Wheeling 299,300 1039 4.2
Cuba 483,900 1264 3.1

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by John J Manley Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Arlington Heights 9406
McCullom Lake 177
Kildeer 233
Wheatland 5563
Romeoville 6700
Prospect Heights 1997
Villa Park 3803
Coral 588
Wheeling 21971
Cuba 1874
DeKalb 6028
Palos 8336
Forest Park 1226
Elmwood Park 3158
Norridge 3324

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by John J Manley Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Arlington Heights 5135
McCullom Lake 22
Wheatland 223
Romeoville 366
Prospect Heights 1161
Villa Park 1202
Coral 11
Wheeling 8782
Cuba 318
DeKalb 2982
Palos 1692
Forest Park 2855
Elmwood Park 1353
Norridge 599

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by John J Manley Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Arlington Heights 7291
McCullom Lake 71
Kildeer 824
Wheatland 13950
Romeoville 2430
Prospect Heights 919
Villa Park 1234
Coral 456
Wheeling 11977
Cuba 2411
DeKalb 2200
Palos 3743
Forest Park 308
Elmwood Park 1245
Norridge 578

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by John J Manley Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Arlington Heights 1680
McCullom Lake 7
Kildeer 235
Wheatland 2443
Romeoville 393
Prospect Heights 170
Villa Park 416
Coral 143
Wheeling 2079
Cuba 714
DeKalb 671
Palos 888
Forest Park 179
Elmwood Park 438
Norridge 123