Statistics & Research about Frankfort,IL - Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Frankfort,IL an area served by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Phone : 815-469-4411

Car dealers nearby Insurance Pro Agencies Inc


Phone: (815) 806-0700

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Burnham 134,200 913 8.2
Willowbrook 271,500 1137 5.0
Mokena 307,900 1054 4.1
Na-Au-Say 247,400 1405 6.8
Sun River Terrace 104,400 725 8.3
Salina 202,300 1074 6.4
Thornton 130,600 925 8.5
Braceville 159,900 938 7.0
Custer 220,700 974 5.3
McCook 241,700 958 4.8

Number of old houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Burnham 118100
Willowbrook 345000
Mokena 149100
Na-Au-Say 362500
Salina 149100
Thornton 119900
Braceville 118600
McCook 283300
Boulder Hill 138500
Diamond 102500
North Riverside 283500
Homer Glen 293300

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Burnham 75500
Willowbrook 250500
Mokena 272700
Na-Au-Say 154200
Salina 120000
Thornton 150600
Braceville 161900
Custer 217600
McCook 167500
Boulder Hill 174000
Diamond 38800
Oakbrook Terrace 172900
Homer Glen 318400

Number of blacks in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Burnham 2711
Willowbrook 366
Mokena 153
Na-Au-Say 776
Sun River Terrace 363
Salina 2
Thornton 115956
Braceville 48
Boulder Hill 402
Diamond 64
North Riverside 384
Oakbrook Terrace 54
Homer Glen 500

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Willowbrook 678800
Mokena 335800
Na-Au-Say 242300
Sun River Terrace 162500
Salina 290900
Thornton 201300
Braceville 221000
Custer 240300
McCook 220000
Diamond 225400
Homer Glen 463200