Statistics & Research about Oglesby,IL - Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Oglesby,IL an area served by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Phone : 815-883-8616

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Tonica 109,900 650 7.1
De Pue 67,500 726 12.9
Verona 125800 NA NA
Sparland 78,900 1000 15.2
Hope 96,400 750 9.3
Marshall County 103,500 606 7.0
South Ottawa 137,800 713 6.2
Nettle Creek 292,000 765 3.1
Ohio 103,800 531 6.1
Paw Paw 127,500 634 6.0

Number of whites in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of whites
Tonica 837
De Pue 1692
Verona 185
Sparland 431
Hope 595
Marshall County 12158
South Ottawa 7835
Nettle Creek 353
Ohio 699
Paw Paw 938
Kinsman 127
Peru 10107
Clarion 224
Dalzell 725
Bell Plain 409

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Tonica 135900
De Pue 61900
Sparland 88800
Hope 93800
Marshall County 95500
South Ottawa 131800
Ohio 112500
Paw Paw 115600
Peru 133000
Dalzell 152100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Tonica 17
De Pue 38
Verona 2
Sparland 12
Hope 14
Marshall County 324
South Ottawa 151
Nettle Creek 11
Ohio 31
Paw Paw 11
Peru 100
Clarion 13
Dalzell 2
Bell Plain 11

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Tonica 46
De Pue 97
Verona 30
Sparland 22
Hope 53
Marshall County 1020
South Ottawa 520
Nettle Creek 32
Ohio 61
Paw Paw 64
Kinsman 6
Peru 559
Clarion 31
Dalzell 35
Bell Plain 28