Statistics & Research about Homewood,IL - Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Homewood,IL an area served by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Phone : 708-647-0123

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Woodridge 267,500 1060 4.8
Harwood Heights 287,300 900 3.8
Burr Ridge 684,800 1574 2.8
Rockville 171600 NA NA
Crystal Lawns 181,400 2001 13.2
Maywood 167,200 870 6.2
Schererville 204,300 813 4.8
Willow Springs 329,400 853 3.1
Oakbrook Terrace 306,900 1187 4.6
Summit 190,100 830 5.2

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Woodridge 239500
Harwood Heights 348000
Burr Ridge 535700
Crystal Lawns 170800
Maywood 133400
Schererville 140900
Willow Springs 273200
Oakbrook Terrace 276400
Summit 234800
Hanover 108000
York 280300
Du Page 167300
Richton Park 133500
St. John 159200

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Woodridge 279500
Harwood Heights 167500
Burr Ridge 703000
Rockville 182800
Maywood 153400
Schererville 192200
Willow Springs 343900
Oakbrook Terrace 172900
Hanover 227900
York 358400
Du Page 267100
Richton Park 174600
St. John 208000

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Woodridge 3934
Harwood Heights 1228
Burr Ridge 1128
Rockville 155
Crystal Lawns 433
Maywood 3443
Schererville 4324
Willow Springs 1153
Oakbrook Terrace 404
Summit 1403
Hanover 2401
York 17730
Du Page 12838
Richton Park 2315
St. John 10643

Number of blacks in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Woodridge 2952
Harwood Heights 22
Burr Ridge 374
Maywood 17830
Schererville 1295
Willow Springs 96
Oakbrook Terrace 54
Summit 957
Hanover 42
York 3887
Du Page 14978
Richton Park 10886
St. John 2081