Statistics & Research about Channahon,IL - Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Channahon,IL an area served by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

25311 W EAMES ST
Phone : 815-467-4975

Real estate research for area nearby Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Reed 163,800 797 5.8
Boulder Hill 170,000 1130 8.0
Fall River 203,400 761 4.5
Bolingbrook 224,700 999 5.3
Montgomery 193,900 1196 7.4
Goose Lake 180,700 938 6.2
Campus 101,000 630 7.5
Wilton 347,100 745 2.6
Grand Rapids 177,100 1112 7.5
Plattville 217,900 1313 7.2

Number of whites in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of whites
Reed 6769
Boulder Hill 7189
Fall River 707
Bolingbrook 41379
Montgomery 13119
Goose Lake 1865
Campus 132
Wilton 670
Grand Rapids 372
Plattville 218
Shorewood 13145
Tinley Park 49775
Elwood 2174
Bradley 14702
Richton Park 1880

Number of old houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Reed 120500
Boulder Hill 138500
Fall River 220000
Bolingbrook 178600
Montgomery 166200
Campus 106900
Wilton 219600
Grand Rapids 189600
Plattville 218800
Tinley Park 185100
Elwood 234100
Bradley 117500
Richton Park 86100

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Reed 1722
Boulder Hill 1918
Fall River 148
Bolingbrook 10132
Montgomery 2048
Goose Lake 437
Campus 49
Wilton 229
Grand Rapids 39
Plattville 56
Shorewood 2082
Tinley Park 9582
Elwood 421
Bradley 3208
Richton Park 2315

Number of new houses in places near by Insurance Pro Agencies Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Fall River 205000
Montgomery 213600
Shorewood 223300