Statistics & Research about Joliet,IL - Get Insured Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Joliet,IL an area served by Get Insured Inc

Phone : 815-730-0022

Real estate research for area nearby Get Insured Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Blue Island 148,600 836 6.8
Stickney 204,100 975 5.7
Markham 111,500 1323 14.2
Prestbury 331500 NA NA
Olympia Fields 263,000 2001 9.1
Westchester 262,100 1519 7.0
Worth 199,100 880 5.3
Homewood 182,600 984 6.5
North Riverside 254,100 829 3.9
Batavia 283,900 1003 4.2

Number of whites in places near by Get Insured Inc

Place name Number of whites
Blue Island 11656
Stickney 33223
Markham 1988
Prestbury 1735
Olympia Fields 1486
Westchester 11437
Worth 126966
Homewood 11258
North Riverside 5713
Batavia 30517
Palos 48506
Wheaton 46192
Berkeley 2602
Rockdale 1575
Orland 87851

Number of vacant houses in places near by Get Insured Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Blue Island 1241
Stickney 1198
Markham 538
Olympia Fields 319
Westchester 309
Worth 4645
Homewood 553
North Riverside 81
Batavia 514
Palos 1129
Wheaton 933
Berkeley 107
Rockdale 67
Orland 1297

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Get Insured Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Blue Island 202400
Stickney 277200
Markham 167600
Prestbury 312100
Olympia Fields 308300
Westchester 343100
Worth 283500
Homewood 267500
Batavia 391300
Palos 315100
Wheaton 591700
Berkeley 350000
Rockdale 177800
Orland 346300

Number of blacks in places near by Get Insured Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Blue Island 7623
Stickney 419
Markham 9874
Olympia Fields 3152
Westchester 3119
Worth 12854
Homewood 6839
North Riverside 384
Batavia 1726
Palos 1740
Wheaton 1786
Berkeley 1356
Rockdale 34
Orland 2240