Statistics & Research about Loves Park,IL - Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Loves Park,IL an area served by Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

7310 N Alpine Rd
Loves Park,IL
Phone : (815) 282-6100

Car dealers nearby Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

Kar Korner

Loves Park,IL
Phone: (877) 662-9979

Real estate research for area nearby Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Clinton 127,600 728 6.8
Boone 153,400 683 5.3
Winnebago County 127,500 721 6.8
Brodhead 118,400 732 7.4
Genoa 171,100 760 5.3
Leaf River 122,800 770 7.5
Lynnville 176,600 698 4.7
Avon 206,000 864 5.0
Sycamore 175,500 887 6.1
Johnstown 220,200 746 4.1

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Clinton 64
Boone 34
Winnebago County 11805
Brodhead 100
Genoa 264
Leaf River 23
Lynnville 10
Avon 8
Sycamore 395
Johnstown 8
Williams Bay 104
South Grove 2
Mount Morris 217
La Prairie 10

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Clinton 136400
Boone 140300
Winnebago County 155000
Brodhead 74500
Genoa 204800
Leaf River 67500
Lynnville 230000
Avon 187500
Sycamore 180600
Johnstown 233300
Williams Bay 252700
Mount Morris 14200
La Prairie 141700
Dunham 250900

Number of vacant houses in places near by Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Clinton 55
Boone 105
Winnebago County 12809
Brodhead 170
Genoa 51
Leaf River 18
Lynnville 8
Sycamore 242
Johnstown 22
Williams Bay 919
South Grove 6
Mount Morris 236
La Prairie 16
Dunham 17

Number of blacks in places near by Galyean Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Clinton 45
Winnebago County 36087
Avon 1
Sycamore 570
Johnstown 2
Mount Morris 7