Statistics & Research about Mendota,IL - First State Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Mendota,IL an area served by First State Insurance

715 Washington St

Car dealers nearby First State Insurance

R & R Ford Sales Inc

Phone: (815) 539-9314

Real estate research for area nearby First State Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Ottawa 132,900 697 6.3
Creston 141,900 738 6.2
Ladd 97,800 779 9.6
Utica 181,700 986 6.5
Newark 213,900 683 3.8
Granville 106,800 550 6.2
Troy Grove 147,900 583 4.7
Princeton 125,500 566 5.4
Leonore 87500 NA NA
Lost Nation 191500 NA NA

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by First State Insurance

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Ottawa 169800
Creston 120800
Ladd 184400
Utica 164300
Newark 191700
Granville 173100
Troy Grove 262500
Princeton 95400
Fox 295000
Oglesby 144400
Westfield 150000
Big Grove 183300
Sandwich 217900

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by First State Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Ottawa 3410
Creston 112
Ladd 310
Utica 434
Newark 193
Granville 482
Troy Grove 304
Princeton 1748
Leonore 18
Lost Nation 265
Fox 292
Oglesby 717
Westfield 163
Big Grove 333
Sandwich 1427

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by First State Insurance

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Ottawa 146500
Creston 74200
Ladd 104200
Utica 116700
Newark 189600
Granville 101600
Troy Grove 63900
Princeton 139000
Lost Nation 142100
Fox 166200
Oglesby 166000
Westfield 86300
Big Grove 187500
Sandwich 161100

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by First State Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Ottawa 231800
Creston 167500
Ladd 258300
Utica 259200
Newark 239900
Granville 215600
Troy Grove 145300
Princeton 193200
Lost Nation 214100
Fox 456900
Oglesby 214800
Westfield 105000
Big Grove 242700
Sandwich 225200