Statistics & Research about Crystal Lake,IL - First Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Crystal Lake,IL an area served by First Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 815-459-0711

Real estate research for area nearby First Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Brighton 284,200 689 2.9
Lake Barrington 409,700 1429 4.2
Bensenville 247,900 910 4.4
Hampshire 258,100 1104 5.1
Bull Valley 470,700 2001 5.1
Seneca 358,400 981 3.3
Johnsburg 291,100 1265 5.2
Fox Lake 181,700 868 5.7
Woodstock 190,300 902 5.7
Bohners Lake 177,600 796 5.4

Number of vacant houses in places near by First Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Brighton 14
Lake Barrington 102
Bensenville 637
Hampshire 35
Bull Valley 51
Seneca 32
Johnsburg 301
Fox Lake 941
Woodstock 1023
Bohners Lake 281
Long Grove 84
Algonquin 2064
Vernon 1234
Round Lake 386
Timberlane 21

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by First Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Brighton 416700
Lake Barrington 893700
Bensenville 353600
Hampshire 266800
Bull Valley 592100
Seneca 388000
Johnsburg 345200
Fox Lake 203800
Woodstock 237300
Bohners Lake 195600
Long Grove 775000
Algonquin 269300
Vernon 484000
Round Lake 220600
Timberlane 290100

Number of blacks in places near by First Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Lake Barrington 51
Bensenville 809
Hampshire 30
Seneca 58
Johnsburg 79
Fox Lake 160
Woodstock 372
Long Grove 268
Algonquin 944
Vernon 633
Round Lake 1246

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by First Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Brighton 151
Lake Barrington 653
Bensenville 700
Hampshire 625
Bull Valley 167
Seneca 401
Johnsburg 845
Fox Lake 520
Woodstock 1730
Bohners Lake 199
Long Grove 1342
Algonquin 10518
Vernon 8574
Round Lake 1607
Timberlane 189