Statistics & Research about Buffalo Grove,IL - Diversified Ins Ind Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Buffalo Grove,IL an area served by Diversified Ins Ind Inc

1133 Weiland Rd
Buffalo Grove,IL
Phone : 847-459-3373

Car dealers nearby Diversified Ins Ind Inc

Prestige Auto Gallery

Buffalo Grove,IL
Phone: (847) 850-5100

Real estate research for area nearby Diversified Ins Ind Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Itasca 314,800 1083 4.1
Wilmot 173800 NA NA
Wheaton 344,900 1161 4.0
Lake Forest 866,200 1336 1.9
Bloomingdale 245,500 1101 5.4
Gilberts 280,400 1313 5.6
Lake Catherine 184,000 854 5.6
Wayne 282,900 974 4.1
Northfield 511,800 1322 3.1
Pingree Grove 199,500 1738 10.5

Number of whites in places near by Diversified Ins Ind Inc

Place name Number of whites
Itasca 6602
Wilmot 340
Wheaton 46192
Lake Forest 17347
Bloomingdale 83915
Gilberts 5038
Lake Catherine 1124
Wayne 52983
Northfield 70212
Pingree Grove 3247
Niles 69101
Wauconda 19229
Greenwood 11902
Rolling Meadows 16989
Trout Valley 562

Number of old houses in places near by Diversified Ins Ind Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Itasca 421100
Wilmot 138600
Wheaton 386600
Lake Forest 838700
Bloomingdale 291600
Lake Catherine 197100
Wayne 227800
Northfield 486300
Niles 330500
Wauconda 167800
Greenwood 511900
Rolling Meadows 253800

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Diversified Ins Ind Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Itasca 429500
Wheaton 591700
Lake Forest 1000001
Bloomingdale 301800
Gilberts 264100
Wayne 407800
Northfield 717300
Pingree Grove 199500
Niles 349800
Wauconda 270100
Greenwood 220100
Rolling Meadows 294900
Trout Valley 550000

Number of blacks in places near by Diversified Ins Ind Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Itasca 42
Wheaton 1786
Lake Forest 184
Bloomingdale 6127
Gilberts 55
Lake Catherine 38
Wayne 1619
Northfield 1525
Pingree Grove 10
Niles 5365
Wauconda 219
Greenwood 243
Rolling Meadows 686
Trout Valley 2