Statistics & Research about Lake Forest,IL - Dakota Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Lake Forest,IL an area served by Dakota Insurance Group Inc

Phone : 847-235-6835

Real estate research for area nearby Dakota Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hanover 217,000 1102 6.1
Lake County 267,700 1007 4.5
Broadview 177,900 820 5.5
Franklin Park 204,800 826 4.8
Fox Lake 181,700 868 5.7
Cuba 483,900 1264 3.1
Lindenhurst 228,200 1373 7.2
Inverness 657,000 2001 3.7
Kenilworth 1,000,001 2001 2.4
Hillside 200,600 866 5.2

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dakota Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Hanover 180500
Lake County 288600
Broadview 178300
Franklin Park 206600
Fox Lake 181300
Cuba 466000
Lindenhurst 196500
Inverness 761600
Kenilworth 1000001
Hillside 189300
Holiday Hills 167900
Harwood Heights 348000
Highland Park 546600
River Grove 170000
Richmond 183900

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Dakota Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Hanover 15495
Lake County 89381
Broadview 1307
Franklin Park 2680
Fox Lake 1911
Cuba 1874
Lindenhurst 2217
Inverness 844
Kenilworth 182
Hillside 1604
Holiday Hills 193
Harwood Heights 1228
Highland Park 4248
River Grove 1321
Richmond 1131

Number of blacks in places near by Dakota Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Hanover 4048
Lake County 47655
Broadview 5799
Franklin Park 141
Fox Lake 160
Cuba 62
Lindenhurst 303
Inverness 15
Kenilworth 16
Hillside 3376
Harwood Heights 22
Highland Park 670
River Grove 175
Richmond 94

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Dakota Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Hanover 6631
Lake County 69365
Broadview 268
Franklin Park 761
Fox Lake 520
Cuba 2411
Lindenhurst 1684
Inverness 1369
Kenilworth 229
Hillside 346
Holiday Hills 40
Harwood Heights 375
Highland Park 3510
River Grove 349
Richmond 576