Statistics & Research about Geneva,IL - Bryant Asset Protection Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Geneva,IL an area served by Bryant Asset Protection Inc

322 Hamilton St
Phone : (630) 232-9100

Real estate research for area nearby Bryant Asset Protection Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Westmont 288,200 960 4.0
Bedford Park 210,200 663 3.8
Oak Brook 813,800 1863 2.7
Batavia 283,900 1003 4.2
Summit 190,100 830 5.2
Oakwood Hills 230,800 963 5.0
Palos Park 418,800 2001 5.7
Afton 170,800 1312 9.2
Winfield 227,700 1081 5.7
Aurora 194,300 1016 6.3

Number of old houses in places near by Bryant Asset Protection Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Westmont 244000
Bedford Park 210600
Oak Brook 1000001
Batavia 226700
Summit 223800
Oakwood Hills 234100
Palos Park 391700
Afton 277100
Winfield 201700
Aurora 142500
Holiday Hills 92500
La Grange Park 478300
Lake Barrington 675000
Genoa 156000

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Bryant Asset Protection Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Westmont 1708
Bedford Park 50
Oak Brook 1106
Batavia 4392
Summit 475
Oakwood Hills 156
Palos Park 636
Afton 91
Winfield 3523
Aurora 14283
Holiday Hills 40
La Grange Park 829
Rosemont 26
Lake Barrington 653
Genoa 266

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Bryant Asset Protection Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Westmont 2841
Bedford Park 127
Oak Brook 819
Batavia 3685
Summit 1403
Oakwood Hills 530
Palos Park 763
Afton 180
Winfield 6550
Aurora 24368
Holiday Hills 193
La Grange Park 1999
Rosemont 321
Lake Barrington 656
Genoa 1141

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Bryant Asset Protection Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Westmont 390600
Oak Brook 714300
Batavia 310000
Summit 277200
Oakwood Hills 299100
Palos Park 285700
Winfield 251700
Aurora 268400
Holiday Hills 170800
La Grange Park 490900
Lake Barrington 592700
Genoa 172900