Statistics & Research about Lockport,IL - Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Lockport,IL an area served by Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

16614 W 159TH ST SUITE 300
Phone : 815-836-3500

Car dealers nearby Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

Tessone Motors

1801 S. State Street Lockport, IL 60441
Phone: 1-866-541-0759

Real estate research for area nearby Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Morris 194,000 849 5.3
Riverside 309,400 879 3.4
Wilton 347,100 745 2.6
Wheaton 344,900 1161 4.0
Lynwood 146,900 925 7.6
Seward 213,000 2001 11.3
Midlothian 169,800 907 6.4
Homer 308,600 1696 6.6
Lakewood Shores 143,900 586 4.9
Troy 210,300 1052 6.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Morris 1587
Riverside 1905
Wilton 46
Wheaton 4751
Lynwood 648
Seward 198
Midlothian 1379
Homer 1728
Lakewood Shores 109
Troy 3422
Olympia Fields 348
Addison 8091
Preston Heights 337
Bremen 9500
Orland Hills 446

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Morris 804
Riverside 663
Wilton 5
Wheaton 2132
Lynwood 141
Seward 28
Midlothian 462
Homer 80
Lakewood Shores 4
Troy 614
Olympia Fields 142
Addison 3553
Preston Heights 120
Bremen 3364
Orland Hills 126

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Morris 164900
Riverside 265300
Wheaton 346500
Lynwood 17000
Midlothian 167800
Homer 256500
Lakewood Shores 112500
Troy 191700
Olympia Fields 242800
Addison 263000
Preston Heights 132900
Bremen 180900
Orland Hills 207300

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Brosky Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Morris 242400
Riverside 601000
Wilton 103100
Wheaton 478000
Lynwood 212100
Seward 1000001
Midlothian 217900
Homer 341800
Troy 211400
Olympia Fields 369600
Addison 280500
Bremen 211100
Orland Hills 305500