Statistics & Research about Manhattan,IL - Brookhaven Financial Ltd

Here are some statistics & research about Manhattan,IL an area served by Brookhaven Financial Ltd

Phone : 815-478-9848

Real estate research for area nearby Brookhaven Financial Ltd

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Aroma Park 100,800 840 10
Mokena 307,900 1054 4.1
Glenwood 153,700 988 7.7
Custer 220,700 974 5.3
Norton 117,000 725 7.4
Lockport 188,100 1061 6.8
Erienna 263,400 891 4.1
Markham 111,500 1323 14.2
La Grange 459,200 1045 2.7
Oak Lawn 213,300 931 5.2

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Brookhaven Financial Ltd

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Aroma Park 64
Mokena 1279
Glenwood 899
Custer 122
Norton 67
Lockport 8168
Erienna 103
Markham 313
La Grange 1402
Oak Lawn 7394
Lakewood Shores 109
Crest Hill 3464
South Wilmington 96
Shorewood 1049
Forest View 126

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Brookhaven Financial Ltd

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Aroma Park 116400
Mokena 272700
Glenwood 146400
Custer 217600
Norton 67800
Lockport 187600
Erienna 222700
Markham 88700
La Grange 348100
Oak Lawn 165300
Lakewood Shores 170800
Crest Hill 129400
South Wilmington 103600
Shorewood 233700

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Brookhaven Financial Ltd

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Aroma Park 8
Mokena 458
Glenwood 116
Norton 22
Lockport 489
Erienna 50
Markham 110
La Grange 476
Oak Lawn 635
Crest Hill 106
South Wilmington 7
Shorewood 230
Forest View 7

Number of blacks in places near by Brookhaven Financial Ltd

Place name Number of blacks
Aroma Park 16
Mokena 153
Glenwood 6325
Lockport 6660
Erienna 23
Markham 9874
La Grange 665
Oak Lawn 2143
Crest Hill 3237
Shorewood 1129