Statistics & Research about Orland Park,IL - Benson Young & Downs Ins Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Orland Park,IL an area served by Benson Young & Downs Ins Agency Inc

9611 W 165TH ST STE 12
Phone : 708-460-3606

Real estate research for area nearby Benson Young & Downs Ins Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
East Chicago 86,800 678 9.4
Country Club Hills 154,700 1459 11.3
Matteson 183,200 1173 7.7
University Park 133,400 950 8.5
Indian Head Park 277,700 887 3.8
Monee 163,300 935 6.9
Willow Springs 329,400 853 3.1
Lakewood Shores 143,900 586 4.9
Shorewood 241,800 1500 7.4
Berkeley 186,800 958 6.2

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Benson Young & Downs Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
East Chicago 1580
Country Club Hills 129
Matteson 240
University Park 341
Indian Head Park 174
Monee 407
Willow Springs 129
Lakewood Shores 4
Shorewood 159
Berkeley 120
Romeoville 366
Manteno 213
Schiller Park 1072
Harvey 986
Hanover Park 289

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Benson Young & Downs Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
East Chicago 594
Country Club Hills 381
Matteson 417
University Park 59
Indian Head Park 44
Monee 208
Willow Springs 106
Shorewood 230
Berkeley 48
Romeoville 393
Manteno 200
Schiller Park 30
Harvey 424
Hanover Park 217

Number of vacant houses in places near by Benson Young & Downs Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
East Chicago 3445
Country Club Hills 538
Matteson 383
University Park 355
Indian Head Park 28
Monee 802
Willow Springs 63
Lakewood Shores 63
Shorewood 230
Berkeley 107
Romeoville 796
Manteno 185
Schiller Park 457
Harvey 2637
Hanover Park 755

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Benson Young & Downs Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
East Chicago 184000
Country Club Hills 222300
Matteson 202200
University Park 231600
Indian Head Park 374300
Monee 175900
Willow Springs 371700
Shorewood 269100
Romeoville 206500
Manteno 180400
Schiller Park 230100
Harvey 136600
Hanover Park 235300