Statistics & Research about Bannockburn,IL - Bensman Risk Management Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Bannockburn,IL an area served by Bensman Risk Management Inc

Phone : 847-572-0800

Real estate research for area nearby Bensman Risk Management Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Villa Park 254,100 943 4.5
Lake in the Hills 223,300 1256 6.7
South Barrington 820000 NA NA
Palatine 304,300 1111 4.4
Pleasant Prairie 229,700 1127 5.9
Venetian Village 173,300 1257 8.7
Northlake 188,100 866 5.5
Bensenville 247,900 910 4.4
Hodgkins 47,200 830 21.1
Forest Park 224,300 945 5.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Bensman Risk Management Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Villa Park 1846
Lake in the Hills 1898
South Barrington 24
Palatine 15200
Pleasant Prairie 1535
Venetian Village 430
Northlake 842
Bensenville 2166
Hodgkins 574
Forest Park 2848
Northbrook 2550
Itasca 873
St. Charles 3706
Westchester 2394
Wheeling 17606

Number of old houses in places near by Bensman Risk Management Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Villa Park 275500
Lake in the Hills 187500
South Barrington 535200
Palatine 294900
Pleasant Prairie 170500
Venetian Village 250000
Northlake 198900
Bensenville 238500
Hodgkins 258000
Forest Park 272500
Northbrook 453500
Itasca 421100
St. Charles 253700
Westchester 270300
Wheeling 356900

Number of blacks in places near by Bensman Risk Management Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Villa Park 797
Lake in the Hills 391
South Barrington 43
Palatine 3401
Pleasant Prairie 821
Venetian Village 38
Northlake 273
Bensenville 809
Forest Park 4918
Northbrook 344
Itasca 42
St. Charles 1039
Westchester 3119
Wheeling 1669

Number of whites in places near by Bensman Risk Management Inc

Place name Number of whites
Villa Park 19250
Lake in the Hills 26017
South Barrington 3217
Palatine 90081
Pleasant Prairie 17723
Venetian Village 2592
Northlake 7870
Bensenville 15416
Hodgkins 2117
Forest Park 7401
Northbrook 27928
Itasca 6602
St. Charles 46451
Westchester 11437
Wheeling 130268