Statistics & Research about Wheaton,IL - Bearce Ins Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wheaton,IL an area served by Bearce Ins Agency Inc

Phone : (630) 871-0400

Real estate research for area nearby Bearce Ins Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lisle 321,300 1102 4.1
Palos Hills 218,400 945 5.2
Joliet 181,300 852 5.6
Highwood 361,400 1194 4.0
New Trier 751,000 1575 2.5
Fremont 282,400 1504 6.4
Riverwoods 758,500 2001 3.2
Oakbrook Terrace 306,900 1187 4.6
Yorkville 243,100 1075 5.3
Downers Grove 357,700 992 3.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Bearce Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Lisle 10014
Palos Hills 3222
Joliet 12927
Highwood 562
New Trier 2261
Fremont 2617
Riverwoods 59
Oakbrook Terrace 395
Yorkville 1905
Downers Grove 14844
Clarendon Hills 661
Blue Island 3145
Lake Forest 996
Rolling Meadows 3680
East Dundee 434

Number of old houses in places near by Bearce Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Lisle 358300
Palos Hills 124000
Joliet 143000
Highwood 309700
New Trier 928200
Fremont 213100
Yorkville 149300
Downers Grove 426900
Clarendon Hills 654900
Blue Island 154200
Lake Forest 838700
Rolling Meadows 253800
East Dundee 185200

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Bearce Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Lisle 367400
Palos Hills 188600
Joliet 180300
Highwood 215600
New Trier 609000
Fremont 289100
Riverwoods 727900
Oakbrook Terrace 172900
Yorkville 221000
Downers Grove 335700
Clarendon Hills 290800
Blue Island 18800
Lake Forest 963500
Rolling Meadows 314200
East Dundee 276800

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Bearce Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Lisle 12284
Palos Hills 2641
Joliet 20751
Highwood 896
New Trier 5838
Fremont 3948
Riverwoods 297
Oakbrook Terrace 404
Yorkville 1968
Downers Grove 19741
Clarendon Hills 978
Blue Island 2722
Lake Forest 1705
Rolling Meadows 3015
East Dundee 552