Statistics & Research about New Lenox,IL - Beacon Insurance Group Inc

Here are some statistics & research about New Lenox,IL an area served by Beacon Insurance Group Inc

1938 E Lincoln Highway STE 220
New Lenox,IL
Phone : (779) 803-3181

Car dealers nearby Beacon Insurance Group Inc

Chicagoland Internet Auto

Chicagoland Internet Auto, u1955 Airway Court, uNew Lenox, IL 60451, u 815-212-0805]
New Lenox,IL
Phone: 815-212-0805

Real estate research for area nearby Beacon Insurance Group Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Homer Glen 337,100 1756 6.3
Manteno 198,100 859 5.2
Richton Park 168,600 955 6.8
Homewood 182,600 984 6.5
Glendale Heights 198,900 1038 6.3
Posen 152,900 927 7.3
Midlothian 169,800 907 6.4
Hanover 202,200 928 5.5
Hickory Hills 244,000 857 4.2
Calumet Park 138,300 870 7.5

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Beacon Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Homer Glen 318400
Manteno 145200
Richton Park 174600
Homewood 271200
Glendale Heights 197100
Posen 186700
Midlothian 208200
Hanover 227900
Hickory Hills 198600
Calumet Park 105500
South Chicago Heights 181300
Essex 87500
Aurora 188500
Felix 201300
Evergreen Park 233300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Beacon Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Homer Glen 3310
Manteno 1864
Richton Park 2315
Homewood 2381
Glendale Heights 3888
Posen 1145
Midlothian 2849
Hanover 2401
Hickory Hills 2436
Calumet Park 1310
South Chicago Heights 784
Essex 382
Aurora 24368
Felix 961
Evergreen Park 3721

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Beacon Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Homer Glen 331800
Manteno 142500
Richton Park 133500
Homewood 203600
Glendale Heights 189600
Posen 98000
Midlothian 167800
Hanover 108000
Hickory Hills 245500
Calumet Park 139200
South Chicago Heights 123200
Essex 162500
Aurora 164800
Felix 230800
Evergreen Park 215200

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Beacon Insurance Group Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Homer Glen 463200
Manteno 236500
Richton Park 225300
Homewood 267500
Glendale Heights 235900
Posen 185200
Midlothian 236500
Hanover 242800
Hickory Hills 226100
Calumet Park 192500
South Chicago Heights 178800
Essex 245100
Aurora 235500
Felix 163500
Evergreen Park 249100