Statistics & Research about Lake Villa,IL - Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Lake Villa,IL an area served by Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

473 Park Ave Ste 500
Lake Villa,IL
Phone : (847) 356-8900

Car dealers nearby Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

Mikes Automall Inc

Lake Villa,IL
Phone: 847-395-3888

Real estate research for area nearby Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Highland Park 521,700 1408 3.2
Winnetka 951,900 1161 1.5
Lake Zurich 335,400 1173 4.2
Gilberts 280,400 1313 5.6
Green Oaks 600,500 2001 4.0
Maine 293,200 999 4.1
Wadsworth 353,200 1278 4.3
Fontana-on-Geneva Lake 378,400 850 2.7
Wheeling 299,300 1039 4.2
Benton 186,900 1054 6.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Highland Park 2211
Winnetka 320
Lake Zurich 644
Gilberts 471
Green Oaks 54
Maine 16356
Wadsworth 116
Fontana-on-Geneva Lake 635
Wheeling 17606
Benton 1915
Island Lake 712
Volo 365
Pistakee Highlands 401
Barrington 681
Buffalo Grove 4512

Number of old houses in places near by Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Highland Park 547900
Winnetka 934100
Lake Zurich 255400
Green Oaks 116300
Maine 365900
Wadsworth 227800
Fontana-on-Geneva Lake 330000
Wheeling 356900
Benton 163100
Island Lake 158300
Pistakee Highlands 129800
Barrington 571400
Buffalo Grove 225000

Number of blacks in places near by Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Highland Park 670
Winnetka 16
Lake Zurich 48
Gilberts 55
Green Oaks 33
Maine 2412
Wadsworth 62
Wheeling 1669
Benton 1432
Island Lake 28
Volo 81
Barrington 81
Buffalo Grove 503

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Bates Fullam Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Highland Park 751700
Winnetka 1000001
Lake Zurich 440700
Gilberts 338000
Green Oaks 707700
Maine 268600
Wadsworth 399000
Fontana-on-Geneva Lake 445000
Wheeling 309100
Benton 216100
Island Lake 200600
Pistakee Highlands 247400
Barrington 896600
Buffalo Grove 422600