Statistics & Research about Lemont,IL - Atlas Insurance Brokerage

Here are some statistics & research about Lemont,IL an area served by Atlas Insurance Brokerage

112 Main St
Phone : (630) 756-5780

Real estate research for area nearby Atlas Insurance Brokerage

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Darien 314,900 1001 3.8
Dixmoor 45,800 768 20.1
Hinsdale 828,600 1361 2.0
Midlothian 169,800 907 6.4
Tinley Park 240,800 974 4.9
Orland Hills 230,000 1143 6.0
New Lenox 279,600 967 4.2
Palos 252,800 937 4.4
Plattville 217,900 1313 7.2
Rockdale 152,500 875 6.9

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Atlas Insurance Brokerage

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Darien 2526
Dixmoor 730
Hinsdale 861
Midlothian 1379
Tinley Park 7024
Orland Hills 446
New Lenox 2417
Palos 7824
Plattville 18
Rockdale 420
Posen 464
Blue Island 3145
Montgomery 1673
Oakbrook Terrace 395
Will County 47149

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Atlas Insurance Brokerage

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Darien 333500
Dixmoor 16500
Hinsdale 748200
Midlothian 208200
Tinley Park 247800
Orland Hills 226900
New Lenox 270900
Palos 232500
Plattville 240000
Posen 186700
Blue Island 18800
Montgomery 180400
Oakbrook Terrace 172900
Will County 263700

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Atlas Insurance Brokerage

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Darien 298300
Dixmoor 58100
Hinsdale 655200
Midlothian 167800
Tinley Park 207200
Orland Hills 207300
New Lenox 220500
Palos 256400
Rockdale 158900
Posen 98000
Blue Island 139400
Montgomery 151400
Oakbrook Terrace 276400
Will County 172400

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Atlas Insurance Brokerage

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Darien 2157
Dixmoor 290
Hinsdale 2048
Midlothian 722
Tinley Park 3622
Orland Hills 382
New Lenox 4537
Palos 3743
Plattville 12
Rockdale 33
Posen 264
Blue Island 980
Montgomery 2087
Oakbrook Terrace 64
Will County 65320