Statistics & Research about Rolling Meadows,IL - Akm Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Rolling Meadows,IL an area served by Akm Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 847-590-8893

Real estate research for area nearby Akm Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Prospect Heights 284,600 1022 4.3
Oak Park 369,200 988 3.2
Old Mill Creek 875,000 1018 1.4
Streamwood 205,500 1497 8.7
Willow Springs 329,400 853 3.1
Aurora 194,300 1016 6.3
Villa Park 254,100 943 4.5
Elmwood Park 241,900 873 4.3
Oak Brook 813,800 1863 2.7
Willowbrook 271,500 1137 5.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Akm Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Prospect Heights 2418
Oak Park 6396
Old Mill Creek 14
Streamwood 2566
Willow Springs 589
Aurora 19023
Villa Park 1846
Elmwood Park 3375
Oak Brook 493
Willowbrook 1973
Cary 685
Berkeley 453
Lake Forest 996
Bolingbrook 2100
North Riverside 1246

Number of old houses in places near by Akm Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Prospect Heights 94600
Oak Park 399200
Old Mill Creek 821400
Streamwood 147600
Willow Springs 305700
Aurora 142500
Villa Park 275500
Elmwood Park 248900
Oak Brook 1000001
Willowbrook 345000
Cary 192000
Berkeley 210900
Lake Forest 838700
Bolingbrook 178600
North Riverside 283500

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Akm Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Prospect Heights 1997
Oak Park 6034
Old Mill Creek 56
Streamwood 8235
Willow Springs 1153
Aurora 24368
Villa Park 3803
Elmwood Park 3158
Oak Brook 819
Willowbrook 1250
Cary 2416
Berkeley 1093
Lake Forest 1705
Bolingbrook 10132
North Riverside 1113

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Akm Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Prospect Heights 438400
Oak Park 272200
Old Mill Creek 1000001
Streamwood 225600
Willow Springs 371700
Aurora 268400
Villa Park 261600
Elmwood Park 348100
Oak Brook 714300
Willowbrook 328600
Cary 275600
Lake Forest 1000001
Bolingbrook 264400