Statistics & Research about Wheeling,IL - About Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wheeling,IL an area served by About Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 847-541-2200

Real estate research for area nearby About Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Itasca 314,800 1083 4.1
Addison 271,000 949 4.2
Ela 429,900 1271 3.5
Palos Hills 218,400 945 5.2
Stickney 204,100 975 5.7
Winthrop Harbor 201,500 1152 6.9
East Dundee 191,900 1013 6.3
Crystal Lake 223,600 1128 6.1
Pistakee Highlands 167,700 1204 8.6
Round Lake 203,100 1061 6.3

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by About Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Itasca 873
Addison 8091
Ela 895
Palos Hills 3222
Stickney 3238
Winthrop Harbor 529
East Dundee 434
Crystal Lake 3963
Pistakee Highlands 401
Round Lake 1725
Long Grove 117
Bedford Park 31
Channel Lake 382
Bloomingdale 12780
Barrington Hills 46

Number of old houses in places near by About Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Itasca 421100
Addison 291900
Ela 291700
Palos Hills 124000
Stickney 179300
Winthrop Harbor 145000
East Dundee 185200
Crystal Lake 211500
Pistakee Highlands 129800
Round Lake 168500
Long Grove 756600
Bedford Park 210600
Channel Lake 165300
Bloomingdale 291600
Barrington Hills 1000001

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by About Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Itasca 617
Addison 5436
Ela 7132
Palos Hills 803
Stickney 2272
Winthrop Harbor 634
East Dundee 259
Crystal Lake 4857
Pistakee Highlands 159
Round Lake 1607
Long Grove 1342
Bedford Park 50
Channel Lake 111
Bloomingdale 8138
Barrington Hills 748

Number of blacks in places near by About Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Itasca 42
Addison 2294
Ela 403
Palos Hills 848
Stickney 419
Winthrop Harbor 75
East Dundee 80
Crystal Lake 797
Round Lake 1246
Long Grove 268
Bloomingdale 6127
Barrington Hills 20