Statistics & Research about Addison,IL - A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Addison,IL an area served by A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

1000 W LAKE ST STE 2
Phone : 630-543-4373

Car dealers nearby A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

Chicago Cars Direct

Phone: (630) 889-0911

Real estate research for area nearby A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lake Zurich 335,400 1173 4.2
Bedford Park 210,200 663 3.8
Brookfield 251,900 952 4.5
Huntley 237,800 1494 7.5
Maine 293,200 999 4.1
Winnetka 951,900 1161 1.5
Lake Barrington 409,700 1429 4.2
Leyden 218,200 857 4.7
Franklin Park 204,800 826 4.8
Dolton 129,200 1049 9.7

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Lake Zurich 269100
Bedford Park 210000
Brookfield 271200
Huntley 167000
Maine 286100
Winnetka 941000
Lake Barrington 428800
Leyden 212400
Franklin Park 206600
Dolton 130700
Orland 225700
Buffalo Grove 296600
Mount Prospect 332800
Stone Park 188000
Chicago Ridge 188400

Number of new houses in places near by A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Huntley 263600
Maine 278900
Winnetka 1000001
Dolton 192000
Mount Prospect 1000001

Number of blacks in places near by A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Lake Zurich 48
Brookfield 345
Huntley 392
Maine 2412
Winnetka 16
Lake Barrington 51
Leyden 1666
Franklin Park 141
Dolton 21259
Orland 2240
Buffalo Grove 503
Mount Prospect 974
Stone Park 56
Chicago Ridge 561

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by A 1 American Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Lake Zurich 2850
Bedford Park 50
Brookfield 832
Huntley 1890
Maine 7794
Winnetka 1552
Lake Barrington 653
Leyden 4284
Franklin Park 761
Dolton 1064
Orland 8154
Buffalo Grove 4688
Mount Prospect 3809
Stone Park 143
Chicago Ridge 431